sreda, 17. november 2010

Windsurf camp v Dahabu

Zima bo dolga, zato boste že komaj čakali, da se odpravite na vodo. Konec januarja in začetek februarja boste imeli možnost uživati in prvič ali pa ponovno stopiti na desko, saj bom z vami delil izkušnje ter znanje na tečajih, ki bodo organizirani v Dahabu, Egipt. Ni pomembno vaše znanje, saj so tečaji namenjeni vsem. Od začetnikov, ki še nikoli niso slišali za jadranje na deski, pa vse do tistih, ki bi radi izpilili duck jibe, napredne freestyle trike ali pa končno premagali strah in poskusili frontloop.              


29.1.-5.2.  -Dahab/ Egipt
5.2.- 12.2. –Dahab/Egipt
12.2.-19.2.- Dahab/ Egipt

Nove destinacije in novi termini bodo znani kmalu!!!

Več informacij in prijave na: PRIJAVNICI
                                           +386 40 166 825

                    Miran Simerl           +386 31 853 059 


sreda, 20. oktober 2010

Državno prvenstvo v freestylu 2010

17. oktobra se je za naslov državnega prvaka v Izoli potegovalo lepo število jadralcev na deski. Svoj "stil" so poleg fantov pokazale tudi punce, kar je bilo zelo impresivno. Razmere so bile ekstremno težavne.. mrzel zrak, topla voda, močna burja, razburkano morje... skjratka ni bilo lahko, zato še enkrat mega čestitke puncam in vsem, ki so se pokazali na vodi. S svojim nastopom sem zelo zadovoljen, saj sem v razmerah, ki so bile pokazal največ v sezoni 2010. Z državnim prvenstvom se je moja tekmovalna sezona uradno končala. Bil je že čas da malo "zadiham" in se malo drugače začnem pripravljati na leto 2011. 

fotke by Ivan Škrlec 

Nekaj reportaž o tekmovanju:
Primorske novice
Style Team

Rezultati pa so bili takšni:

 Fantje:         Dekleta:
1 Žan Andraž 
2 Ribnikar Žan
3 Šude Žan
4 Černec Jure
5 Panjan Jurij
6 Šorc Peter
7 Lampret Dennis
7 Kravanja Marko
9 Vrščaj Maks
9 Kotnik Mitja
9 Korenč Žiga
9 Šušterčič Kristijan  
1 Tanhofer Nina 
2 Sedlar Anja
3 Tanko Vesna 
4 Zibler Eva
5 Jager Anja

nedelja, 10. oktober 2010

Dobri stari Ližnjan

Končno je zapihala dobra burjica in pričarala super pogoje, ki sem jih že težko čakal kar nekaj časa. Najprej evening session s 5.3, malo pumpanja, vendar ok za ogrevanje. Naslednji dan pa 4.9 in 88l na polno po zraku. Ni bilo veliko ljudi, vreme sončno, voda topla... le kaj bi si lahko še želeli?

fotke by FOTODAKA

petek, 8. oktober 2010

Zadnja postaja ...

Sylt je končan in s tem tudi sezona svetovnega pokala v freestylu. Veter na Syltu nam letos ni bil naklonjen zato smo uspeli odpeljati le enojno eliminacijo v zelo lahnem vetru... Vozil sem proti Nizozemcu Marteen Van Ochten-u. Triki, ki sem jih odpeljal, so bili po mnenju večine dovolj za napredovanje v naslednji kolo, vendar je bila odločitev sodnikov drugačna. S tem sem končal na 17. mestu in padel na 23. mesto v skupnem seštevku. Letos mi je sreče zelo primanjkovalo. Leto je bilo slabo z vetrom, na treh tekmah od štirih smo odpeljali le enojno eliminacijo, kar pomeni, da je bila sreča obvezna. V evropskem pokalu sem pristal na 14. mestu. Zaradi združitve svetovnega in evropskega pokala v Podersdorfu sem izgubil veliko točk za skupno uvrstitev, vendar sem z rezultatom na Sardiniji( 8.mesto) "priplezal" nekaj mest višje. Pretekli mesec je bil čas za počitek in suhe treninge. Ravno včeraj se je sezona 2011 pričela s treningom na vodi. Močno upam, da bo letošnja jesen polna vetrovnih toplih dni na domačih spotih. Ostala je še zadnja tekma v sezoni 2011, to je slovensko državno prvenstvo v Izoli. Ta vikend je odpadlo, saj vetrovne razmere niso ugodne za izvedbo, vendar pričakujemo da bomo imeli več sreče naslednji vikend, zato spremljajte novice. V naslednjem letu se pripravite na več uspešne akcije, ter nekaj norih projektov z najboljšimi surfači na svetu. Ne pozabite da je projekt iz Egipta(z najbolj talentiranimi windsurferji sveta: Andy Lachauer G171, Yarden Meir ISR 9, Steven Van Broeckhoven B72 in jaz SLO 49) v delu in bo zunaj zelo kmalu!!!  

četrtek, 30. september 2010

Prva "runda"...

Uspeli smo že odpeljati enojno eliminacijo. Razmere so bile zelo težavne, saj veter ni bil dovolj močan za jadro 5.3 in 100l desko, le sunki so nam dopuščali pokazati kaj znamo. Tokrat je bil moj nasprotnik Marten Van Ochten. V dvanajstih minutah je bilo potrebno pokazati 6 trikov v vsako stran, od tega so se šteli samo 3-je najboljši v vsako stran. Imel sem dober nastop, to ste lahko videli na PWA TV v živo, bilo je zelo tesno, vendar je sodnikom bolj ustrezala Marteenova vožnja. Trenutno sem na 17. mestu po enojni eliminaciji a ni še vsega konec. Upam da se bodo razmere izboljšale in bom imel možnost popraviti rezultat v dvojni eliminaciji...

petek, 24. september 2010

PWA TV v živo

Svetovni pokal - SYLT 2010

Zadnja tekma v letu 2010 v disciplini freestyle... Po enem letu spet na mrzlem Syltu. Vse je po starem. Sonce se skriva večino časa za oblaki in mrzel veter malo pihlja. Upajmo da bo veter dosegel jakost okoli 20vozlov saj napoved ni najboljša. Mogoče nekaj akcije v nedeljo. Dogodek bo predvajan v živo na PWA TV-ju ( PWA ) tako da lahko spremljate vse dogajanje cel dan.  Nekaj fotk za update ;)

  več      enojna eliminacija

nedelja, 12. september 2010

2010 oprema na prodaj !!!

Vso 2010 opremo bo možno kupiti, takoj ko pridem iz Sylta. Nekaj stvari lahko dobite že zdaj. Detajli  HERE


ponedeljek, 6. september 2010

Doma ...

Po dolgem obdobju potovanja, tekmovanja, treniranja in snemanja sem spet doma. Sedaj je čas počitka in sprostitve nekaj tednov, organizacija in finalizacija projektov in kmalu sledi priprava na zadnjo tekmo PWA-ja na Syltu/Nemčija. Sezona se počasi izteka, vendar ideje nenehno prihajajo, zato pričakujte, zanimive stvari v prihodnjih nekaj mesecih:)

pic by JC PWA

četrtek, 26. avgust 2010

Novi spoti, več akcije ...

Tokrat smo iskali nove spote za snemanje videa. Nekje v Egiptu leži majhna prečudovita laguna, z nekaj hiškami in nič drugega naokoli. Imeli smo neverjeteno potovanje. Spali v beduinskih kolibah in jedli le beduinsko hrano. Veter je pihal od jutra do večera dobrih 25 vozlov... kot raj -  oglej si fotke

četrtek, 19. avgust 2010

Dahab again!!!

Time is flying with light speed. Two weeks are behind me. We are having a really good time here in Dahab, it's windy every single day, sometimes 5.3 weather, but better than nothing. From 7. till 14. august I was teaching for Quiksilver windsurf school. We had around 50 people and they all learned a lot. Check for more HERE. Now it's time for real action. The best freestylers are here and we started a project today. Top video started to grow (Andy Lachauer, Yarden Meir, Steven Van Broeckhoven, me, ...), stay tuned, it will be sick ...

pics by Phill Richards

 more in gallery

torek, 3. avgust 2010

Fuerteventura Grand Slam is finished, time for new stuff !

The third event for PWA is over. The wind was blowing every day more or less, it was very gusty but at least we could sail every day. Last two days we also got some waves so it was very hard to sail. I already mentioned how it went in first single. If I sum it up shortly... in first single I won against Edvan de Souza from Brazil, second heat I lost against  Taty Frans. In first double elimination I waited for Leo Ray. He was sailing already a few heats so he was in good form.  My sailing got bad and Leo advanced. Second single elimination was on. I won against Dai Nagamine from Japan then I lost the second heat against Andy Chambers from England just for a little little bit. In double I had a good chance to climb up again but it appears it was not my day. I lost in the first round against Gaubert from France and my road was over. At the end I finished on 29. place which is pretty bad result after Lanzarote- 9. place. There is one more event in Sylt and I will work hard to improve my overall ranking result. Two more days in Fuerteventura then off to Egypt. There will be interesting things going on... new freestyle project with the best freestyle windsurfers... and before we have also clinics with the most professional teaching quiksilver windsurfing school check it out HERE ... stay tuned !

nedelja, 1. avgust 2010

Fuerteventura Grand Slam - Freestyle day 6

The wind is increasing every day very fast and on day six we have around 30kts<  at the beach of Sotavento. Past days were not so splendid for me. I had a good heat against Edvan in first single elimination but in double wind was not on my side. I chose 4.5 which was too big as the wind picked up. We started already second single elimination, I won first heat against Japanese sailor Dai Nagamine and now I am ready for next heat against Andy Chambers K540. The conditions are looking very hard but I will do my best. Stay tuned...

četrtek, 29. julij 2010

Fuerteventura Grand Slam - Freestyle day 1

First day was more or less relaxing for us freestyle sailors. We had to register for the competition which starts today. The forecast doesn't look promising, but with the thermic wind you never know. I have hard opponent, Edvan Pedro de Souza from Brazil, he is super good at the moment but if I beat him already I will do my best to do it again. I am ready for action so we will see how everything goes ...

mens freestyle elimination 1 HERE

ponedeljek, 26. julij 2010

Just few days before the real action begins ...

Wind is still on and conditions are getting better. Check out the move called ponch from the other day when we were filming. Just 2 days till competition. Stay tuned...


sobota, 24. julij 2010

Fuerteventura Grand Slam 2010

The event started today. First it is slalom guys turn then us freestylers and after kitesurfers. Slalom windsurfers are already on the water showing how fast they can go and how technical they can be. Everything what is happening you can check on live ticker. The button will be also on my website on the right side. There is also a live webcam in rene egli center.

torek, 20. julij 2010

Last days on Gran Canaria

Yesterday when I woke up I realized the wind is super light and I was quite happy. It was so good to rest one day. It was not even a resting day but more low activity day. I went with my friends to check the vulcanic remaining and botanic garden. The temperatures are very high for a while so we didn't see very interesting things in the garden. Today wind was back. Spot Vargas was looking interesting for freestyle wave session. I took my 88l Twintip and 4.1 superstyle and I went to try the conditions. Due to gusty wind It was very hard to sail but I still got some ramps for new radical moves. Tomorrow I'm off to Fuerteventura. First few days of rest, then hardcore training to make some good results in competition which starts on 28. july. Stay tuned and check the pic's in the gallery...

četrtek, 15. julij 2010

Pozo/ Gran Canaria part2

What can I say... Pozo still didn't reach it's "normal" conditions( 50kts and 3m waves). It is very windy, I am using 3.7 or 4.1 RRD Superstyle every single day, but it is still sailable. Sometimes gusts are reaching those 50 kts but still. Concerning the waves... up to 2m. Pozo and Vargas are the spots we visit every day. Due to high season there is many people on the spot so you have to find the right time when conditions are good and almost nobody on the water. Yesterday I had another freestyle session in Vargas where chop was just crazy, it was good training though 6 more days then I'm off to Fuerteventura for the third PWA event. Check some new photos in the gallery...

četrtek, 8. julij 2010

Pozo/ Gran Canaria

Now I finally settled in Pozo/Gran Canaria where I will stay till event in Fuerteventura, train jumping and freestyle in high winds. First few days the conditions were light and strange. When I came to the beach 2 days ago I expected something different. It was not Pozo from all the photos and videos, but today we already got some strong wind and a bit of waves. Stay tuned, there will be some sick action...


Lanzarote was finished a few days ago. Last day we started a double elimination but not successfully to the end. I stayed on 9th place which is the best result in PWA for me so far. First place went to Golito Estredo V01, second to Kiri Thode NB61 and third to Tonky Frans NB7. They are top of the top at the moment as well Philip Soltysiak, Bjorn Saragosa and Steven Van Broeckhoven, it would be interesting if we would pull double elimination to the end. Next... Pozo

četrtek, 1. julij 2010


Hello everyone! As you can see I my site has a new look. I'll try to make it more comfortable for you to browse, so I hope you'll like it. Lets get to the main theme. I'm 3days in Lanzarote already. First day I practice my moves and I was getting used to the conditions with 5.3 and big board 100l, second day was similar to first day but it was not constant enough to start the competition. Third day we were more lucky. Wind picked up at around half two with speed 20-25kts. I took my 5.3 again and I had really good power. To bad that conditions got worse till my heat. Wind got very gusty so it was tricky to sail. You had to be at the right place the right time. I preformed good moves which was enough to advance against Edvan Pedro de Souza, very good sailor from Brazil. Next opponent was 2009 world champion Golito Estredo. Wind got even worse which was not so good for me but last year champion didn't have problems. He won and I finished on 9. place after the single elimination. We still have to finish few heats then we move to the double elimination... That's it for now, stay tuned...

pics from John Carter, PWA

sobota, 5. junij 2010

Sardinia Freestyle Grand Prix 2010

Sardegna is finito. I spent around 1 week on the islad and we had wind every day. First three days before competition was light wind. I was using 5.3 and big board 100l. At the time of competition the wind got stronger, actually one day too much. First day sail size was from 4.9 at the beginning to 3.7 at the end of the day. We finished first double elimination that day and I got 9th. I have to mention I was using the new improved CAAS masts, a little bit harder, which fits perfect to RRD sails. Sails are working much better, more control and more power. Second competition day I woke up and the wind was flying. Gusts were up to 50kts. I rigged 3.7 and prepared my 88l board for high winds. At first I was a bit overpowered, later on I had no control anymore. All the guys were struggling to show the easiest switch and normal stance moves. I was doing quite well so I finished again on 9th place. Third day the conditions were totally different. In the morning we still had some stronger wind, but after it dropped a lot. We were continuing third double elimination, which we started already day before, I was in first heat and it was really hard to pick the right sail size. I went on 5.3 and big board and I was ripping 6heats all together and came to 5th place. At the end we had one discard so after 2 double elimination I was 8th which is quite good result after Podersdorf. Now I am continuing the tour on Lefkada where is the 4th EFPT event. Stay tuned...

sobota, 22. maj 2010

SHRED Optics

From now on I will be wearing SHRED sunglasses. They are very comfortable, stylish and most important they have well tested UV protection. Check it out!

CHOCO fins

I got new fins, Starfish 16cm and 18cm. They are amazing, you can't belive till you try, but the board really accelerate faster and the sliding is perfect. Check out the collection and if you have any question write me on:

az.slo49@gmail or

petek, 14. maj 2010

Ves ekstrem/ All extrem magazine

New media coverage in Russian sport magazine ALL EXTREM. They are writing about competition in Hurghada and Dahab where I won. Check it out...

PWA Podersdorf, Austria 2010 last day

Skippers meeting at 5.30am and first start at 6am. Pretty crazy but we had conditions so action. Wind was super light Almost everyone was on 5.7. I had just 5.3 so I pumped a bit but it was ok. I lost against Chico cuz I was missing 1 move which actually the judges didn't see last 5sec of the heat totally next to the beach. Bad luck what can you do. I finished 17th which was worse I expected. Season is still long so full power on!!!!

pics by John Carter

nedelja, 2. maj 2010

PWA Podersdorf, Austria 2010

Here we are the 4th day in Austria and still no wind. At least it was sunny and warm till today, on the weekend we had nice action on the water without wind. Guys were pulled by the boat and the winner was Steven B72 with a clean culo in no wind. We have 2 days left and the forecast is very bad, we are still thinking positive and belive that some thermical wind will kick in. Lets see...

Pics by John Carter

petek, 23. april 2010

petek, 2. april 2010

Filtr mag

Few weeks ago, second number of the most popular extreme magazine came out in Slovenia and I am in it. Check the articles and photos...

You can find the whole magazine here.... FILTR MAG

sreda, 17. marec 2010

Dahab freestyle week 2010

This year Vova Morozov also organized small event in Dahab called Dahab freestyle week. We had 2 windy days with north wind so it was enough time to finish double elimination. First day we were sailing on open sea. Spectators and judges were watching us from very big yacht. It was super interesting. Despite bad wind and chopy water at the beginning single was finished and we had a lot of fun. Popretinsky was first I was second and Gusev was third. After 2 days we moved to another spot. Better for freestyle and much better for photos. The wind was more constant and we pulled double elimination with great action. I was on fire and won 2 times against Popretinsky. So results after double elimination were: 1st myself, 2nd Popretinsky, 3rd Gusev, 4th Jakovlyev ,... I was super happy, that was my 2nd victory. I hope we will have good conditions also in EFPT and PWA , to show some good moves. Photos by Valery Pistry

nedelja, 14. marec 2010

Cape Town 2010 short video

Finally I made it. I didn't have much interesting fotage but I still manage to make short video from Cape Town. Check it out, I hope you will enjoy it.

sreda, 3. marec 2010

First event in 2010- Russian wave

After cape Town we had a long period of no wind in Egypt. I was working for Quiksilver windsurf school in El tur( which was very exciting, I became one year older and I took part in first event in 2010. The biggest Russian event Russian wave took place in Soma bay close to Hurgada. The event was offering many disciplines: wakebording, surfing, kiteboarding, slalom windsurfing and freestyle windsurfing, oh and I almost forgot there was also discipline called miss Russian wave and it had the same prize money as each sport discipline J . So from 20. – 27. of february was time to compete and to have fun. There was one day of perfect wind and we manage to make the full double elimination. The wind was very strong at the beggining (4.5 superstyle full power) but at the end of the day it gave up and I had to pump hard with 5.3 to win the freestyle windsurf discipline. All the other days it was time to chill, for supersession and crazy session with very strong wind which came from nowhere. The organization was average, we had a lot of fun and I showed I gain some skills during winter. I am happy to win the first event and I hope I will do good also in the future. Stay tuned...

Photos by Julija Gusev