sobota, 29. avgust 2009
Double eslider
1 week was over with light speed, so it's time for new move. This time I present you double eslider. It is perfect done if you do it on flat water. Anyway... the wind is blowing every day since 10 days or more and the forecast looks even better for the upcoming days. My level is improving so stay tuned for new hardcore moves in couple of days.
torek, 18. avgust 2009
new move- culo
After a while (didn't have any video material) here is a new move actually well known, called culo, filmed by Svetoslav Bolgarchuk, talented Russian filmmaker and cameraman. Place: Dahab/ Baby bay 3 days ago
ponedeljek, 17. avgust 2009
El Tornament
Hey everybody!
After Fuerteventura I went straight to Egypt where I was working for quiksilver windsurfing school in El tur. On 6th and 7th of august competition took place in the bay of El Tur. It was not a very big event, small prize money but at least guys are working hard and something is going on. The organizer was Ocean Source. There was around 10-15 competitors and I took first place. I showed really good performance, doing all the new moves booth sides. Now I stay in Dahab. The wind is normal again and I'm sailing every day on 4.3 or 4.7 and 90l RRD Twintip. Prepare for new video...
Photos by Daniele, Video by Svetoslav Bolgarchuk.
Lep pozdrav vsem!
Nekaj časa se ni kaj dosti dogajalo. Iz Fuerteventure sem imel let direktno za Sharm. Teden sem učil za Quiksilver windsurf šolo v El turu, nato pa teden v Dahabu. 6. in 7. avgusta je bila organizirana tekma v El turu. Denarna nagrada ni bila visoka vendar vsak trud veliko šteje, vsaj kaj se dogaja in razvoj športa poteka hitreje. Pokazal sem trike na visoki ravni in zasedel prvo mesto. Sedaj se nadaljujejo moje priprave v Dahabu kjer se je veter že znormaliziral in vsak dan vozim 4.3 ali 4.7 ter RRD Twintip 90l. Kmalu bo nastal nov video tako da se pripravite.
Fotke by Daniele, video by Svetoslav Bolgarchuk

nedelja, 2. avgust 2009
Last few days we unfortunately didn't have any wind so results stayed the same like they were after double elimination. They call it calima...not even a breeze and very very hot. It was like this for last 3 days, so we were dying at the beach waiting for announcement every hour, chilling and all the riders just had some fun in the water. Thats it. Next PWA event in october- Sylt/ Germany. Results in Fuerteventura:
1. Gillito Estredo V 1
2. Tonky Frans NB 7
3. Marcillio Browne BRA 105
13. Jakub Kosmowski POL 288, RRD
13. Andraž Žan SLO 49, RRD
17. Jose de Souza Pedro BRA 250, RRD
25. Francisco Teixeira BRA 64, RRD
25. Kenneth Danielsen D 38, RRD
Current overal ranking after 2 events from 3:
1. Jose Gollito Estredno V 1
2. Kiri Thode NB 61
2. Everon Tonky Frans NB 7
4. Marcillio Browne BRA 105
12. Andraž Žan SLO 49, RRD
14. Jose de Souza Pedro BRA 250, RRD
19. Francisco Teixteira BRA 64, RRD
28. Jakub Kosmowski POL 288, RRD
35. Kenneth Danielsen D 38, RRD
Lep pozdrav,
zadnjih nekaj dni žal nismo imeli vetra. Rezultati ostajajo taki kot so bili po dvojni eliminaciji. Calima, kot jo imenujejo domačini, je zavzela Costa calmo in bilo je zelo vroče brez kakršnega koli vetriča. Vseeno smo s tekmovalci zabavno preživeli ta čas. To je bilo vse. Naslednja PWA tekma pa v Nemčiji- Sylt. Rezultate iz Fuertaventure in skupno po dveh tekmah si lahko ogledate zgoraj...
pics by JC/ PWA

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