petek, 31. julij 2009

Fuertaventura Grand Slam 2009, day 3

Good day to everybody,

Today all I can say, no wind, hot, and again hot....Hope for some wind for tomorrow...

Lep dan vsem,

Danes je bo report kratek, povem lahko le da je bilo vroče, brezveterje, vroče in še enkrat zelo vroooooče. Upamo na veter jutri...

Fuertaventura Grand Slam 2009, day 2


The second day was very strange. In the morning windy full power, 3.7 conditions and at 12 am wind stopped totally to 0 kts. Then late in the afternoon it came back very strong again 4.3 conditions. We manage to finish the double elimination where I took very good 13th place. I hope it will go like that in the next few days.


Drugi dan se ni iztekel ravno po planu. Zjutraj smo imeli neverjetno močan veter, 3.7 jadra na polno, nato pa je okoli 12te ure čisto ugasnil. Neverjetno a bila je prava bonaca. Čakali smo in čakali in tudi dočakali. Pozno popoldne je veter spet začel delovati in pojačal do okoli 20-25 vozlov. Dokončali smo dvojno eliminacijo v kateri sem zasedel odlično 13. mesto. Upam da bo šlo tako še v naslednjih dneh

torek, 28. julij 2009

Fuertaventura Grand Slam 2009, day 1

Hello everybody!

After a crazy slalom week we finally started freestyle discipline. Forecast for today was not super good but the wind was way more than that. Conditions were very hard. The wind was strong and gusty like never in 3 weeks. from 5kts to 35kts. In single elimination I was against Egor Popretinsky RUS 11. He was sailing very good and my heat was probably the worst ever. First my watch stoped working 1min before the heat and then I didn't get the gust to come fast upwind so already my start was finito. He advanced so I waited for the double. In double first heat was not hard against french sailor Potier. I advanced. Next one was Polet F 00. I had to work harder. Wind was down in the previous heat so I took 4.3. Mistake, wind picked up full power and I was strugling to pull my moves but I did it. Next one was Michael Rossmeier Aut 256 again (like in Lanzarote). Much harder heat but I pulled moves briliantllty and I advanced. I thought it's power was almost on 0 when they decided they do 2 more heats. So I had to go again, this time against Sheffers from Holland. He is very good sailor, in EFPT current ranking 4. I started super good, pulled planing double spock 1h, toad,...but I was missing a shaka inside so I lost. I'm super tired now so...chill out. Have fun and get ready for some more action tomorrow.

Thanks for the photos to Olya Raskina RUS 14

Lep pozdrav vsem slovenskim spremljevalcem!

Danes smo končno prišli na vrsto freestylerji. Sestanek ob 10ih in štart ob 10.45. V enojni eliminaciji sem se boril proti ruskemu freestylerju Egorju Potretinskyju RUS 11. Vozil je odlično, meni pa je šlo vse narobe. Njprej mi je prenehala delovati ura tik pred hitom, nato nisem dobil vetra da bi prišel upwind...porazno. Izgubil sem in čakal na dvojno eliminacijo. V dvojni sem dobil dober žreb. Prvi hit francoz Potier. Drugi hit še en Francoz Poliet F 00. Pokazal sem veliko dobre akcije in napredoval. Naslednji nasprotnik... Michael Rossmeier AUT 256 avtor Trictionary-ja. Odpeljal sem neverjeten hit in ponovno napredoval. Moje moči so blie že čisto na ničli, ko so objavili, da bomo odvozili še 2 hita. Moral sem nazaj v vodo in v še eno bitko proti Davy-ju Shefersu iz Holandije. Davy je zelo dober freestyler, trenutno 4. v EFPT. Težka bitka...začel sem zelo dobro z dvojnim spockom z eno roko, toad, loop,...vendar je veter neverjetno pojačal in moj 3.7 je bil res prevelik. Manjkala mi je shaka proti obali za zmago. tako sem 13. po prvi dvojni eliminaciji, ki še ni končana. Bodite pripravljeni na še več akcije jutri. LP

Hvala Olyi Raskini RUS 14 za fotke

četrtek, 23. julij 2009

Fuertaventura Grand Slam 2009

Today slalom windsurfers opened Fuerteventura Grand Slam for windsurfers here in Sotavento beach. Wind was really strong. We have seen crazy speed, some crashes and good performance from my RRD team mates. Tine Slabe SLO 6 was sailing very very good, he made his best result in slalom so far 20. place, hopefully he will do even better in the next days. Nice work Tine! Results from day 1:

1. Antonie Albeau F- 192
2. Finian Maynard KV- 11, RRD
3. Micah Buzianis USA- 34
20. Tine Slabe SLO 6, RRD
23. Andrea Rosati I-o, RRD

Slalomisti so danes proglasili začetek Fuerteventura grand slama 2009 za jadralce na deski. Razmere na vodi so bile nekoliko težavne. Jakost vetra je bila okoli 30kts. Slalomisti so bili na 90l deskah in cca 5.5 jadrah. Videli smo zelo velike hitrosti, nekaj norih padcev in dobre nastope mojih RRD team rajderjev. Tine Slabe SLO 6 se je odlično odrezal. Prisurfal si je najbolši rezultat v slalomu do sedaj, 20. mesto, in res upam da bo v naslednjih dneh še boljši. Bravo Tine! Rezultati dne 1, pa so prikazani zgoraj. LP

pics by John Carter

sobota, 18. julij 2009

Yesterday was a strange day. Sand everywhere, crazy wind, totally out of control. I was sailing on 4.3 Lip wave and 90l RRD Twintip and I had 0 control. Evreybody was flying super fast, the spot looked like a battlefield. Many people crashing around…dangerous. Anyway we had some fun and we made some cool photos in that sand storm. Have fun!

Včeraj smo imeli čuden dan. Mivka vsepovsod, jakost vetra sigurno 30ktd in več, čisto brez kontrole. Vozil sem 4.3 lip wave in 90l RRD Twintip čisto brez kontrole. Vsi so leteli po zraku nenormalno hitro in spot je izgledal kot nekakšno vojno bojišče. Veliko ljudi je izvajalo katapulte okoli…res nevarno. Kljub vsemu smo se zabavali na vodi in uspeli narediti nekaj solidnih fotografij v norem peščenem viharju. Uživajte!

sreda, 15. julij 2009


Hello hello!

Today is the 10. day since I arrived to Fuerteventura. I stay in Costa Calma in nice bungalow with my girlfirend and Russian mafia. The place is situated very close to the beach, around 5min driving with the car. Every day the wind is strong. I'm always using 4.3 Lip wave or 4.7 360 free and RRD Twintip 90l. Always fully powered up. The conditions in Sotavento are a bit crazy... many people without control on the water, chop from 2 directions( side-off shore wind chop and onshore swell up to 1m) and gusty wind (varying from 10-25/30kts or more). For sure not the spot where you can enjoy sailing. That is why we came 3weeks before the competition, to get used to the conditions and feel safe. Otherwise nothing special is going on here. We checked some nearby cities and visited very good fish restaurants. That's all! Soon we will have a photosession so check it out then...have fun!

Lep pozdrav!

10 dni je že minilo odkar sem prispel na Fuertaventuro. S punco in prijatelji iz Rusije smo se nastanili v kraju Costa Calma, ogromnem apartmajskem naselju. Do plaže je le nekaj km pribljižno 5min z avtom. Vsak dan je na sporedu seveda windsurfing. Veter je zelo močan. Že 10 dni vozimo jadra od 4.0- max 4.7(lip wave 4.3 in 360 free 4.7) in 90l deske(RRD Twintip) in vedno je malo preveč. Razmere tu na Sotaventu so zelo zahtevne. Zelo veliko ljudi je na vodi, ki nimajo kontrole in so zelo nevarni. Poleg tega prihaja chop iz dveh strani(veterni cho in swell do 1m) in veter je neverjetno nekonstanten(refuli od 10-30vozlov). Zagotovo to ni kraj kjer bi lahko uživali na vodi. Prav zato se je večina tekmovalcev po končanem tekmovanju na Lanzarotu odpravila na trening sem na Fuerteventuro. 27. julija se začne tekmovanje do takrat pa trening. Potrebno se je privaditi na razmere in izpiliti trike tudi v najtežhjih razmerah. Drugače se kaj posebnega ne dogaja. Obiskali smo nekaj bljižnih mest in odlične ribje restavracije. To je več ali manj vse. Nekaj eksperimentalnih fotk si oglejte spodaj, več pa v naslednjih dneh ko bo potekal photosession. Uživajte in lep pozdrav!

nedelja, 5. julij 2009

PWA Costa Teguise, day 5

In the morning we start very early, at 9am. First we had to finish single in which I didn't sail. I still felt big pain and I was against Tonky so I didn't want to force it. I took painkillers and they started to work by double. I was waiting for my opponent. It was Rossmeier Michael. I started to sail like I can normally sail in freesailing I did super good heat and I won. Next one was Polish guy Tom Wiecorek. The wind dropped a lot. Before I was on 4.7 360 free (The Loft) and RRD 90l twintip fully powered up, in heat against Tom 4.7 was small, I was pumping a lot but I manage to land some good moves like switch both sides...I advanced again. Next was Marcilio Browne again. Wind was even lighter. I took 5.2 360 free and It was just enough. Brawzinio is to good so I lost. I finished on 9th place today which is really good. After 3 doubles I ended on 17th place which is not so bad for first time. At the beginning I was getting used to everything so later at the end I sailed good and I kicked some ass. That is all. Now prize giving, party and tomorrow we go to Fuerteventura where we will train for 3 weeks before the event. Let see how everything goes.Enjoy!

sobota, 4. julij 2009

PWA Costa Teguise, day 4

Day 4 is over. It was not really a good day for me. In the single I was against Levy Lenz. I won against him already, but this time I made really big mistake. I went for a super high backloop and afterwards big sets came and washed me like 200m downwind. I lost a lot of time. I was able to pull one more move and 2 more crashes. Downwind is not good to sail. It is super super gusty and my lip wave 3.7 was not big enough as upwind where I was fully overpowered. Anyway I lost. In the double I was against Nico Akgazcyan but he got injured so he didn't show up, I advanced. I had to sail anyway though. It was a mistake to go for big moves. I just changed the footstrap and I trimed it a bit to wide, so during toad full powered and full speed my foot went out of footstrap. I crashed on the board and twisted my big muscle on the leg. I hardly came out and went straight to the doctor. Perfect cure- rest. We will see how it goes on....

četrtek, 2. julij 2009

PWA Costa Teguise, day 3

Third day is finished. We finished the first double elimination and second single. Winner of the first double was Golito Estredo and winner of second single was Marcilio Browne. In women all eliminations Sarah Quita won. The wind was realy strong at 1.15 pm when we started the second single. I was on 4.3 Lip wave and 100l RRD Twintip fully powered up. The conditions were hard. Big waves, sometimes also mast high, and very gusty wind. I was sailing against Leo Ray who stoped me already in the first heat. I did some nice moves like air flaka, shaka flaka, very high ponch, high staled forward,... but I dropped a few moves so it was not to advance. It showes we will have another windy and wavey day tomorrow, so hope it goes better for has to.

Stay tuned...