petek, 31. julij 2009
Fuertaventura Grand Slam 2009, day 3
Fuertaventura Grand Slam 2009, day 2
torek, 28. julij 2009
Fuertaventura Grand Slam 2009, day 1
četrtek, 23. julij 2009
Fuertaventura Grand Slam 2009

sobota, 18. julij 2009
Yesterday was a strange day. Sand everywhere, crazy wind, totally out of control. I was sailing on 4.3 Lip wave and 90l RRD Twintip and I had 0 control. Evreybody was flying super fast, the spot looked like a battlefield. Many people crashing around…dangerous. Anyway we had some fun and we made some cool photos in that sand storm. Have fun!
Včeraj smo imeli čuden dan. Mivka vsepovsod, jakost vetra sigurno 30ktd in več, čisto brez kontrole. Vozil sem 4.3 lip wave in 90l RRD Twintip čisto brez kontrole. Vsi so leteli po zraku nenormalno hitro in spot je izgledal kot nekakšno vojno bojišče. Veliko ljudi je izvajalo katapulte okoli…res nevarno. Kljub vsemu smo se zabavali na vodi in uspeli narediti nekaj solidnih fotografij v norem peščenem viharju. Uživajte!

sreda, 15. julij 2009

nedelja, 5. julij 2009
PWA Costa Teguise, day 5
In the morning we start very early, at 9am. First we had to finish single in which I didn't sail. I still felt big pain and I was against Tonky so I didn't want to force it. I took painkillers and they started to work by double. I was waiting for my opponent. It was Rossmeier Michael. I started to sail like I can normally sail in freesailing I did super good heat and I won. Next one was Polish guy Tom Wiecorek. The wind dropped a lot. Before I was on 4.7 360 free (The Loft) and RRD 90l twintip fully powered up, in heat against Tom 4.7 was small, I was pumping a lot but I manage to land some good moves like switch both sides...I advanced again. Next was Marcilio Browne again. Wind was even lighter. I took 5.2 360 free and It was just enough. Brawzinio is to good so I lost. I finished on 9th place today which is really good. After 3 doubles I ended on 17th place which is not so bad for first time. At the beginning I was getting used to everything so later at the end I sailed good and I kicked some ass. That is all. Now prize giving, party and tomorrow we go to Fuerteventura where we will train for 3 weeks before the event. Let see how everything goes.Enjoy!

sobota, 4. julij 2009
PWA Costa Teguise, day 4
četrtek, 2. julij 2009
PWA Costa Teguise, day 3
Third day is finished. We finished the first double elimination and second single. Winner of the first double was Golito Estredo and winner of second single was Marcilio Browne. In women all eliminations Sarah Quita won. The wind was realy strong at 1.15 pm when we started the second single. I was on 4.3 Lip wave and 100l RRD Twintip fully powered up. The conditions were hard. Big waves, sometimes also mast high, and very gusty wind. I was sailing against Leo Ray who stoped me already in the first heat. I did some nice moves like air flaka, shaka flaka, very high ponch, high staled forward,... but I dropped a few moves so it was not to advance. It showes we will have another windy and wavey day tomorrow, so hope it goes better for has to.
Stay tuned...